Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sassy Designs, Ltd / @sassydesignsltd / is having a birthday—win the ENTIRE STORE at by @shutterblog
Yeah I know, I suck - I have not updated this in a LOOOONG time...Quick update, So I have lost 10 pds and am down 3 sizes :D Awesome uh! I'm in Modesto now doing a Fashion show tomorrow morning with my daughter. I tired on clothes and screamed and cried in the dressing room I was so happy. By Christmas my friends I will be at my goal weight! Keep you fingers crossed!!

<3 Nicole

Monday, January 18, 2010

6 Pounds, 6 Pounds!!!!

I have lost my first 6 pounds!! WOOO HOO! It's amazing by just eating smaller meals and working out a few times a week what you can do :D My goal seems so much more attainable now!

So my mom gave an older People Magazine, it had a few people in there that has lost some amazing weight. Was so cool to read about and what they did. Inspiring stories always makes me happy...Do you have one? Please, tell us about it!

Talk to you guys soon :D

<3 Nicole

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hi All,

Sorry for the lapse, Kids and all you know. So I have some great news. I have lost 5 pounds! Wooo Hoo!!!! Not bad uh. I know, I know, It's not alot but its the first step.

Ok, so I need to vent as well for a minute. So everyone (FAMILY) has been on top of me about losing all this weight. Makes me want to crawl up in a ball and run and hide. Everyone is giving me a lecture everyday, ie... Your so big, You need to lose weight, You need to do this you need to do that.

I have just about had it. How is a girl supposed to do this when there is all this around her. AHHHHH!!!!

Anyways, progress is going well. I have started the Wii trainer and did a 45 min workout this afternoon. I have it set-up to workout 7 days a week between 15 mins and 45 mins. I can change it as I get better. It's a great work out the only bad thing with it is, the MUSIC SUCKS... hahahhahah :D

Well I am off to go make Dinner....Chat with you all soon!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but what do you eat?? I did toast because that's why the kids eat (that topic; Kids food and dieting is whole other very long blog - hahah) Anyways, so you have to find time to eat something right? What do you do for breakfast?

I have heard that yogurt is good, maybe cereal, tho you have to pick the right cereal. You have your choice these days of cardboard or a box of sugar. Such great choices uh. Oh well I will figure out something soon.

So I started writing last night and well you know kids get the best of you and you have to walk away to take care of them and I totally forget to upload that piece let alone finish it.

So I find myself writing at the crack of dawn before everyone gets up. Yesterday was a great day. I walked 2 miles with my 13 year old. He is such a great motivator. He even convinced me to purchase the Wii fit, so that is our next purchase. So thing fun to do together and I can get a work out at the same time!

I'm finding also it is very hard to change old food habits. How does one go about changing that when you live with 4 other people, 1 of them being under the age of 18 and 2 of them being under the age of 5. How do you make everyone happy and every meal time. It boggles my mind.

I did however manage to eat a salad last night and a small scoop of what I like to call easy, breezey, hamburger meal. I thought I did pretty good. I did however by 10pm find myself starving again so I broke out these pomegranate seeds that I bought at the store. They were not to bad and well it was not chocolate! Woo Hoo!

Well I start another day...

Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!

<3 Nicole

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pulling myself back up!

Lord, Who ever said DIETING was an easy process should be SHOT! Today was hard, I really did try hard...I fell off the band wagon once today, I ate a chocolate bar. Do I feel bad, oh lord do I ever but I will get back up dust myself off and start again.

I have managed to find alot of women who want to help we started a FB group called "The Incredible Shrinking US!!!" and amazing group of women that I know and LOVE! Thanks Girls :D

So today, I download this program on my iTouch called "GoPedometer". I tested it out today on my walk, It says I walked 834 steps, Distance 2055 feet, Burned 51.79 Cal. So far so good, I will keep you updated on this program. I also download another great application called "Tap&Track". I love it, I can add everything in there I have eaten for the day. I have to get to know it better, But I will tell you more about it later too.

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.
Hi All,

Well first day into it and so far so good.. I would love to share some great advice I found from Dr. OZ...

Here are the five most important things a person can do to undo holiday damage:

#1 Start walking today.

#2 Tell people. Go public about your goals and get enablers who reinforce your bad habits out of the way.

#3 Sleep. If you sleep the 7 hours you’re supposed to, you won’t crave carbs as much.

#4 Trick your body. Fool yourself when you’re hungry by drinking water instead or eating or eating simple things like mints that "blow out your taste buds." It works.

#5 Automate your life. Eat the same healthy option for breakfast. Bring a healthy lunch to work every day. Keep snacks like nuts in your pockets, your desk, anywhere that’s in easy reach, so you will never feel hungry. That, he says, is the real key to weight loss.

Take it in and I will be back tonight to update you on my day :D